Certificación de calidad Fundación Mujer y Hogar
ES / EN / FR

Woman and Home Foundation

The Woman and Home Foundation is a non-profit organization, located in Bucaramanga and in the Colombian Alta Guajira. Its social work started on March 1, 2001, looking forward to promoting health, nutrition, healthy environments, education, spiritual growth and productivity in the most vulnerable populations such as children, teenagers, women heads of households, indigenous population, elderly people and/or migrants in an irregular situation with orphan and/or terminal diseases, among others, promoting their integral development, enabling them to freely construct a decent life project.

Programs and social projects for the improvement of the quality of life of the populations in situations of vulnerability and / or poverty, motivating their transformation into proactive families within the framework of ethics and values, always with a sense of social responsibility.


The Women and Home Foundation is a non-governmental organization that aims to strengthen families as a primary unit of Colombian society, through training with quality education and programs, providing human security and guaranteeing tools for free construction of a worthy life project for the human being, achieving an active participation of women and their family in order to improve the quality of life.


In 2020, Women and Home Foundation will be recognized nationally and internationally as a fundamental structure in the construction of proactive families with decent life projects within the framework of ethics and values, promoting peaceful coexistence and strengthening the family as a unit Primary of society with a sense of social responsibility.


In the Women and Home Foundation we seek to promote health, nutrition, healthy environments, education, culture and productivity through the management of social programs and projects to improve the quality of life of populations in vulnerable situations with the aim to promote integral human development, under the Bio-Psycho-Socio-Labor approach that allows their self-sustainment and the productivity of families within a permanent commitment with the user satisfaction and the continuous improvement of their Management System. Quality.

Additionally, Women and Home Foundation develops activities aimed at preventing work-related diseases, incidents and accidents at work of its workers, contractors and visitors, from the appropriate application of occupational health and safety measures, obtaining a healthy environment and insurance in the development of operational and administrative activities.

This Policy will be disseminated at all levels of the foundation and will be accessible to all interested parties, being reviewed and updated as regulatory and legal changes associated with the Quality Management System arise.
